-A.M. Aguilar

Favorite Books I Read in 2021

This past year, I had the chance of reading many wonderful books: from high fantasy stories, to contemporary and mystery thrillers. A wide range of genres and writing styles. I was able to reach my goal of reading 80 books during 2021 and choosing 5! JUST 5 books for this post… has been a challenge 😉 .

 -A.M. Aguilar

Top 5 December 2021

Science Fiction, Historical Fantasy, Thriller Mystery, Fantasy & Fiction

HAPPY NEW YEAR BOOK LOVERS! It is 2022, I’m back from my 4 week-long trip, and I’m ready to tell you about all the books I read last month. I hope you spent the holidays nicely and have started the year well. Wishing you all happiness and good luck for the new year 🙂 . 

-A.M. Aguilar

Top 4 November 2021

Fantasy, Fiction, Historical Fantasy & Thriller Fantasy

We are finally on the last chapter of 2021. This year feels like an extension of 2020 and for many of us, maybe that’s not a good thing; but overall we have made it through and that’s something we should be grateful for. I’m proud of you for making it to the end of this “rollercoaster” of a year. Let’s hope for the best on the year to come 😉 .

-A.M. Aguilar

Top 5 Sept & Oct 2021

Historical Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy & YA Contemporary

College has had me very busy the past two months as you may have noticed because this post is here a bit late, but it is here nonetheless ;). Today we will discuss a few of my favorite reads from this second-to-last trimester of the year, which are all varied book genres too, and chat a bit about your top reads of the month too.

-A.M Aguilar

Books that will get you out of a Reading Slump…

Fantasy & Fiction Version

A reader’s worst nightmare. The moment we all fear to live, but one that we will probably experience at some point in life. The dreaded ‘reading slump.’ Of course, there’s a chance that some of you have never heard the term and may be asking, “what even IS a reading slump and why will a specific book get me out of it?” Well, today we will be discussing it…

-A.M. Aguilar

Top 5 August Reads

High Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Fantasy & Fiction

It is finally September… wow. This year is going by so fast, Christmas is right around the corner. Just kidding lol xD We still have a couple of more months left in 2021 so let’s do our best to keep going and finish this year happily. Today I am back with a monthly wrap-up and hopefully you will have new blog posts this month because August was just a mess and I couldn’t find any time 😉

-A.M. Aguilar

Top 5 June & July Reads

Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Contemporary, Sci-Fi Romance, & Magical Realism

Happy August book lovers. I hope that the past few months have treated you well 🙂 I’m back with a double monthly wrap-up today and I can’t wait to share these amazing reads with you. I finished online classes last month so the past two weeks I’ve read a bunch 😀 So let’s get started with my Top 5 Reads of June & July…

-A.M. Aguilar

Best Found Family Books I’ve Read

Some of the most underrated & my favorite books with the found family trope and why you should get them asap 😉

When I was deciding what blog post to write this week I came upon some older suggestions and I decided to post all of them in my Instagram story and have you guys choose the one you wanted to read the most. Surprisingly, it was this title the one that had the most amount of votes. And that’s how, my curious self, started to wonder why… Why are they so interested in found family book recommendations?

-A.M. Aguilar 

Top 5 May Reads

Mystery Thriller, YA Fiction, High Fantasy & YA Contemporary 

June is here, it’s finally midyear, 2021. That means… yeah, you guessed it. Monthly wrap up coming your way! I thought May would be the month where I would read the least because my classes started the 21st, but I actually read quite a lot before classes started. And even in classes I sneaked my books in and read when I could 😉 So today I bring you my Top 5 Reads of May…

-A.M. Aguilar

Top 5 March & April Reads

Mystery & Horror Fiction, Fantasy, High Fantasy & YA Fiction, Contemporary

It’s officially the fifth month of 2021, May just started and that means we are getting closer to mid-year. It also means we are all posting our monthly reading wrap ups; today I’m posting both March and April’s because I forgot to write it last month 🙂 so thank you all for your patience. The books I will talk about today are all part of my all-time favorite books shelf <3