-A.M. Aguilar 

Top 5 August 2020

YA Fiction, Fantasy, High Fantasy and Biographies :0

August is over everyone! I feel like this month went by extremely fast. But August over means Fall is near and if you didn’t know, this season, along with Winter, is my favorite! ๐Ÿ˜€ I hope with all my heart that everything worked out excellently for all of you! Feel free to tell me down below how did you spent your month. Continue reading “Top 5 August 2020”

-A.M. Aguilar 

Top 5 July 2020

Science Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, and Young Adult Fiction

I can’t believe July is already over. We’re officially about to begin the 8th month of 2020. Wow! Can you believe it? This month actually felt like one of the longest so far. I hope you all had a beautiful month and that you remained doing the things you love the most. Feel free to tell me down below how did you spent your month ๐Ÿ™‚ .

-A.M. Aguilar

Top 5 April 2020

Fiction, Romance, Humor, Fantasy and High Fantasy

I began this blog on May (and it has been a sweet journey, especially the diving into bookstagram ๐Ÿ˜‰ )  but I figured I needed to share with you guys the highlights April reading brought!

Continue reading “Top 5 April 2020”