-A.M. Aguilar

Books I’ve Bought Recently but Haven’t Read Yet

Book shopping addictions and piles of unread books…

There are two types of people in this world: those who buy a book, immediately read it, love it, and then go out to buy another one, and repeat the process; and then, you have those who buy 2, 3, or 10 books at once and let them collect in piles around their house… unread. We may pick up a new book every other month but the other 8 books we have bought will keep collecting dust on those shelves ;). There is no in-between. What everyone has in common though, is that they all love going book shopping!

-A.M. Aguilar

Top 5 Jan & Feb 2022

Murder Mystery, Urban Fantasy, Fiction & RomComs

Happy March book lovers! It feels like just yesterday we were celebrating New Year’s, wow. Time does fly when you’re busy; I’ve proven that fact xD .  I hope the first few months of the year have been kind to you, and I can only wish the best for you during this month <3.

-A.M. Aguilar

Top 5 June & July Reads

Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Contemporary, Sci-Fi Romance, & Magical Realism

Happy August book lovers. I hope that the past few months have treated you well 🙂 I’m back with a double monthly wrap-up today and I can’t wait to share these amazing reads with you. I finished online classes last month so the past two weeks I’ve read a bunch 😀 So let’s get started with my Top 5 Reads of June & July…

-A.M. Aguilar

Villains I’d Join to Conquer the World

My favorite book villains & villainess + my fair reasons for this 😉

I guess it is common knowledge that the part we, book lovers, enjoy the most from a Fantasy novel is the antagonist of the story. Those morally grey characters that usually have a fierceful and powerful idea to save the world and/or their people from danger but the execution of it usually involves death of millions or the destruction of the world as we know it so… yeah 😀 Not the means to get there my friends!

-A.M. Aguilar

Popular Books I’ve Never Read and Why…

Cliché, Classics and Favoured… but I’m not too sure

Every book is an adventure and a story that stay with us and teaches us something. I’ve always said this and I believe it to be true. Especially those we read at a young age.

I began reading books around 7th and 8th grade and of course the first books I read were all the popular ones around the time. Yeah, you guessed it, Divergent and The Hunger Games for sure 😉

-A.M. Aguilar 

Top 5 August 2020

YA Fiction, Fantasy, High Fantasy and Biographies :0

August is over everyone! I feel like this month went by extremely fast. But August over means Fall is near and if you didn’t know, this season, along with Winter, is my favorite! 😀 I hope with all my heart that everything worked out excellently for all of you! Feel free to tell me down below how did you spent your month. Continue reading “Top 5 August 2020”

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-A.M. Aguilar

Top 5 Books with the Best Opening Lines

Astonishing and Awe-Stricking Lines

We all have different opinions when it comes to choosing a new book to read. Some people notice the gorgeous cover first and give it a shot. Others prefer reading the summary on the back cover of a book and deciding if it sounds interesting enough.

Continue reading “Top 5 Books with the Best Opening Lines”

-A.M. Aguilar

Review: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Captivating, Thrilling Masterpiece

Author of the best-selling Grisha Trilogy, Leigh Bardugo, brings us the Six of Crows duology. Set in the same universe, the Grishaverse, we meet criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker in this unraveling story through the dark and mysterious streets of Ketterdam.

Continue reading “Review: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo”

-A.M. Aguilar

Review: Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Stunning, Breathtaking Masterpiece

Sarah J. Maas did a fascinating job in creating an incredible fantasy world and gave us some relatable and stunning characters we will always treasure 😉 . “Throne of Glass” is book one in this seven book series that follow the story of Adarlan’s most feared assassin, Celaena Sardothien and have been suggested to fans of The Hunger Games and Game of Thrones. Continue reading “Review: Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas”

-A.M. Aguilar

Top 5 June 2020

Science Fiction, High Fantasy and Adventure Fiction  

June is already over, which means, we are halfway through the year! 2020 has definitely been a rollercoaster of events and feelings, but we have to hope things will get better and our world will heal. We have been growing a lot on instagram, (635 followers and counting :D, if you want to join the fam click here! ), and we have also been dealing with online classes. One more month and classes will be over. 

Continue reading “Top 5 June 2020”